

Election to be Postdoc Representative of the MPIM

I will serve as a spokesperson for postdoc related matters at the MPIM in the Postdoc Network of the Max Planck Society: Please let me know if there is anything which you would like to discuss (it is of course confidential)

Participation at Workshop

Mathematical Structures in Scattering Amplitudes at the Galileo Galilei Institute for Theoretical Physics in Florence

Participation at Conference

Fishnets: Conformal Field Theories and Feynman Graphs at the Bethe Center for Theoretical Physics in Bonn


Co-Organization and talk at Workshop

Combinatorics, Resurgence and Algebraic Geometry in Quantum Field Theory, conference program and announcement of my talk


Participation and Poster Presentation/Gong Show at Conference (Institut of Advanced Study, Princeton)

Amplitudes 2024 Conference and Summer School


Participation at Spring School and gong show (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig)

Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry from Physics


Visitor and Scientific Collaboration

Philip Schwartz from the Leibnitz University of Hannover will visit me at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics for a scientific collaboration

Talk and Research Stay (University of Münster)

Official announcement and scientific collaboration with Dr Johannes Thüringen

Co-Supervision of Doctoral Student

Jonah Epstein starts his doctoral studies at University of Bonn, which I will co-supervise together with Prof Albrecht Klemm


Talk in Learning Seminar (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn)

MPIM Math-Phys Seminar

Participation and Talk at Conference (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig)

Positive Geometry in Particle Physics and Cosmology

Organization of Seminar

MPIM Math-Phys Seminar together with David Aretz


Participation and talk at Winter School (SRS SwissMAP Research Station in Les Diablerets)

2024 Winter School in Mathematical Physics


Participation at conference (University of Bonn)

Panorama of Mathematics II, find me in the Mood video at 0:32, while asking a question to Martin Hairer


Supervising MPIM Interns

I am conducting a small research project with students from the Mathematik-Olympiade at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics


Talk at MPIM Oberseminar, August 31

I will speak about “Renormalization of Gauge Theories and Gravity”, please let me know if you want to participate

Visitor and Scientific Collaboration

Arne Hofmann from the University of Göttingen has been visiting me at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics for a scientific collaboration


Participation and poster at conference (University of Warsaw)

School of General Relativity, Astrophysics and Cosmology


Talk and Research Stay (University of Göttingen, Prof Bahns & research group)

Official announcement

Talk and Research Stay (University of Oxford, Dr Panzer)

Official announcement


Participation and Poster Presentation at Conference (Humboldt University of Berlin)

Three facets of Gravity

Talk at Gravity Seminar, May 16 (Cologne University; Prof Kiefer)

Official announcement

Participation and Talk at Conference (Stockholm University)

13th Central European Relativity Seminar


Talk at Amplitudes Seminar, April 27 (Bonn University; Prof Duhr, Prof Klemm, Dr Loebbert)

Official announcement

Postdoc started

Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn


New Preprint online

On Perturbative Quantum Gravity with a Cosmological Constant


Participation and talk at workshop

Interdisciplinary junior scientist workshop: Mathematical General Relativity; see my talk here and my slides here


Riemann fellowship started

Official announcement


Mathematics Genealogy Project listing

Find my entry here


Dissertation officially published

Renormalization of Gauge Theories and Gravity


Dissertation on arXiv

Renormalization of Gauge Theories and Gravity


Dissertation successfully defended

“Renormalization of Gauge Theories and Gravity” at Humboldt University of Berlin

New Preprint online

Transversality in the Coupling of Gravity to Gauge Theories

Disputation scheduled

My disputation will take place on August 31 at 3 pm Berlin time in a hybrid format: Please contact me via e-mail if you wish to participate

Article published

Gauge Symmetries and Renormalization


New Preprint online

Symmetric Ghost Lagrange Densities for the Coupling of Gravity to Gauge Theories

Article published

Lie Theory for Asymptotic Symmetries in General Relativity: The NU Group


Offered postdoc position at MPIM Bonn

I have been offered a postdoc position at MPIM Bonn, which I will start next year (Q2/2023)

Obtained Riemann fellowship

I have obtained a Riemann fellowship, with which I will visit the group of Prof Giulini next spring (Q1/2023)

Article accepted for publication

Lie Theory for Asymptotic Symmetries in General Relativity: The NU Group

New Preprint online

The BRST Double Complex for the Coupling of Gravity to Gauge Theories


Dissertation submitted

“Renormalization of Gauge Theories and Gravity” at Humboldt University of Berlin


Article accepted for publication

Revised version of Gauge Symmetries and Renormalization in Math. Phys. Anal. Geom.

Article published

Lie Theory for Asymptotic Symmetries in General Relativity: The BMS Group

Website is up and running

Feedback is welcome via e-mail