

Renormalization of Gauge Theories and Gravity

D. Prinz, Humboldt University of Berlin (2022), arXiv:2210.17510 [hep-th]


On Perturbative Quantum Gravity with a Cosmological Constant

D. Prinz, arXiv:2303.14160 [hep-th]

Transversality in the Coupling of Gravity to Gauge Theories

D. Prinz, arXiv:2208.14166 [hep-th]

Symmetric Ghost Lagrange Densities for the Coupling of Gravity to Gauge Theories

D. Prinz, arXiv:2207.07593 [hep-th]

The BRST Double Complex for the Coupling of Gravity to Gauge Theories

D. Prinz, arXiv:2206.00780 [hep-th]

Journal articles

Gauge Symmetries and Renormalization

D. Prinz, Math. Phys. Anal. Geom. 25 (2022) 3, 20, arXiv:2001.00104 [math-ph]

Lie Theory for Asymptotic Symmetries in General Relativity: The NU Group

D. Prinz & A. Schmeding, Class. Quantum Grav. 39 (2022) 155005, arXiv:2109.11476 [gr-qc]

Lie Theory for Asymptotic Symmetries in General Relativity: The BMS Group

D. Prinz & A. Schmeding, Class. Quantum Grav. 39 (2022) 065004, arXiv:2106.12513 [gr-qc]

Gravity-Matter Feynman Rules for any Valence

D. Prinz, Class. Quantum Grav. 38 (2021) 215003, arXiv:2004.09543 [hep-th]

Algebraic Structures in the Coupling of Gravity to Gauge Theories

D. Prinz, Annals Phys. 426 (2021) 168395, arXiv:1812.09919 [hep-th]

The Corolla Polynomial for Spontaneously Broken Gauge Theories

D. Prinz, Math. Phys. Anal. Geom. 19 (2016) 3, 18, arXiv:1603.03321 [math-ph]