About me


Welcome! I am a mathematical physicist working in the area of Quantum Field Theory, General Relativity and Quantum Gravity. I am a postdoctoral fellow at MPIM Bonn. Previously, I was a Riemann fellow in the group of Prof Giulini. In 2022, I finished my doctoral studies at HU Berlin in the group of Prof Kreimer in cooperation with the IMPRS for Mathematical and Physical Aspects of Gravitation, Cosmology and Quantum Field Theory of the AEI Potsdam. Find my entry in the Mathematics Genealogy Project here.

Research interests

Topics I have worked on:

  • Renormalization in Quantum Field Theory
  • Quantization of Gauge Theories and Gravity
  • Mathematical Relativity
  • Structure of asymptotically flat spacetimes

Topics I am keen to learn:

  • Algebraic Quantum Field Theory
  • BV formalism
  • Deformation quantization
  • Noncommutative geometry

You can find my articles here:

Furthermore, you can view some of my recent talks here: